Golden Lotus Hotel is a complete centre of cure, focus and relief thanks our Spa room having a unique and warm atmosphere, specially prepared by us. Each one of our specially selected personnel is one of the best in their fields. Our aim is to enable you to get renewed and refreshed by making you forget the complexity of the city.
In Turkish bath, pores are opened and cleared by cleaning the skin of the dead peels by a silk sac on the massage platform. The skin is prepared for the cares to be applied later. In addition to sac, peeling process is carried out with Turkish Coffee and Coconut optionally. The skin is moisturised through the massage implemented on the skin with special oils after the Turkish bath. Therefore, you feel relaxed and renewed. You can indulge yourself by choosing the one you wish among our forty types of massage and skin cares, other than the classic massage.
You can rest both your body and your soıl by “aroma therapy massage” applied with special essential oils, nurture your skin by chocolate, honey and fruit massages, and regain your health by Ayurveda (Indian massage), hot stone therapy and reflexology massages.
You may have skin, hand and foot care in our beauty and skin care rooms that include professional German and French skin care brands.
Furthermore, you may benefit from our steam room and fitness centre.